Monday, 16 February 2009

Dendrology propaganda leaflets

Do I look smart in the underexposed picture where I try to catch a leaf from Platanus x hispanica (London plane, you might say)? How about my flexibility in the overexposed snapshot of me almost killing a leaf of Quercus rubra? Would you call me focused on chasing a Castanea sativa leaf in the last pic?

Please forgive my photographer, he's human after all. At least he got that reflection right on my solid silver collar (that costs more than 1000 pences which equals about 85 chicken wings at today's rate).

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dog,

    you seem to be one flexible bitch. Keep jumping. You also might try sniff around for your Human a course like "Photography ABC for Dummies". I believe they tell there something about correct exposure (and I'm talking about light, not nudity).
