Monday, 28 December 2009
Firework brigade

Sunday, 27 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Hairy plastic sculptures
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Frozen atmospheric water vapor
The white fun is here again! If being calm and slo-mo while walking was hard until yesterday, now it would be simply ridiculous. Who on earth (or on snow) would waste such a lovely opportunity to slip and slide (move along a smooth surface while maintaining continuous contact with it) or eat unlimited amounts of fresh snow man meat. Gotta go!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Raging Bitch Cover Girl
Monday, 14 September 2009
Saturday, 12 September 2009
I'll get a brand new knee today but hush-hush, I don't know it yet. Maybe the last visit to my bone dentist has something to do with it. He took again some x-ra(y)ted photos of my running bones and looked serious. OK, I looked serious too, because that place gives me the creeps.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
It's my party and I cry if I want to
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Back seat drivers

And shut up back there, I'm the one driving here!
Monday, 17 August 2009
Premiere tonight
I've been really cautious when it comes to publishing moving images of my life. Somehow now it feels like the time has come, so enjoy.
My first clip is a one-take shot of me sprinting medium speed on a country road. More + better stuff coming right after this. Oh, and don't mind the black moving blocks peeking from the borders, it's caused by a post-production stabilizer after my cinematographer managed to almost ruin my show by shaking the camera.

Lazy days are here again (for cats only)

The human sling amuses us girls by giving some proper sticks flight of their lives. First, we send Stick-tolling retriever Millie after the exhausted stick. Then I plunder the most wanted piece of wood somewhere mid-water and bring it back on dry land. Soon the mentioned branch of Betula pendula somehow is always hijacked by Tove-the-Shredder. In minutes the much fought sample of island's vegetation is put in tiny pieces and is ready to enrich the poor soil again.
Summer romance #2 in C minor by C.U. Milkmen
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Monday, 27 July 2009
Soup of the day
My humans have feared that someday I won't finish my meal properly. It finally happened. When you're used to enjoy fresh scallops and turbot for supper, you don't really want to be served a meal with frozen (and warmed up) halibut as the main ingredient. Wake up people! I wouldn't serve your mackarel sashimi soaked in warm water, would I? Can I make an official complaint somewhere? If you guys find my raw food diet too hard, you can fly me back to Devon where I got ..um.. dog food.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Rains fell here
Sunday, 21 June 2009
A Day at the Races

On the Road

We have now more rooms in our apartment. My former toilet and storage for bones has transformed into a bright working space, in which I got my new cosmopolitan bed for quick take-offs.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Almost Summer

It's been a long time since I last wrote. I've been busy as always - trips to the countryside, eating dried frogs and other seasonal specialities fill my days. Or most of the days... It's been rainy after the heatwave and I hate rain. My humans do their best trying to drag me out of the house to the wet streets. I miss Summer, it seems that it only shortly visited this northern capital.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Bones crossed

I had an appointment at my new photographer the other day. His methods are very technical, but the results are stunning if compared to my regular photo artist. I got some sort of drug before shooting that made me quite relaxed (yea, my bladder auto-emptied itself..) He took maybe a dozen of snapshots with his massive camera that's particulary designed for cross-breed animals. The x-breed rays penetrated my shiny hair (yes, I use real fur) and could see my thoughts (bones, that is). The picture above is unfortunately someone else's thoughts, but it gives you an idea of my mindscape.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Dog marks the spot

Monday, 27 April 2009
Looks and likes

Sunday, 26 April 2009
Flying ingredients

First Finnish buttery fly spotted and almost caught! I hope that my first summer will also bring along other deliciously identified flying objects (IFOs). I also greet the arousal of appetite for ice cream of my flatmates that secures my daily dairy delivery (DDD).
The pictured stimulant is not a Monte Cristo nor Cohiba, but a delicate piece of Salix sp., locally grown perfection.
Friday, 24 April 2009
A postcard from Helsinki

Coast guard

Note my new harness that prevents the dragging of the human I train.
New hobby

Wrong folks, wrong.
Today I took my human (the one with longer arms) to a park to train him some secrets of golfing. Personally I got interested in golf when I found a ready-to-fetch golf ball from a gutter. Anyway, he got along pretty well and he managed to perform couple of well ranged throws before the ball landed under a log. The log itself is probably from an urine oak or similar (it lies in my regular dog poo wonderland). I made quite an effort to get the ball back while my trainee just stood beside and photographed. Thanks for nothing again! The ball still waits there, so maybe I'll have to ask my J. Russel collegues to help.
Please note the beautiful green grass we have here in Finnish dog parks.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Female body builder

I think my puppy days are over for good. A miniature Homo sapiensis appeared some days ago to live in my apartment. Not that I give a damn, but he seems to get a lot more brunches, luncheons and night snacks than I do. The older humans still share a twisted intrest in collecting this pink creature's poo as well as mine.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Watch and learn

Liberté, egalité, dejeuner!

Today I treated them with a visit to real Finnish country-side. We were given a chance to explore an enermous private dog yard a size of an average London park. The owners of the yard were two Belgian Tervuerens, one of them just slightly too big and one giant individual. Luckily these civilized wolves stayed in their car while we roamed their grounds. The picture shows our most memorable moment when we found a stick. A wooden stick, what a gem among found objects.
Monday, 30 March 2009

Enter Tigress

First: I'm a brainl.. fearless hunter. If my target is smaller than me and not coming towards me, I am ready to attack.
Second: If a ball of yarn is left unattended, I will make sure it's the last day of it's life. See picture above. Please note my skillfully imitated catsy posture.
Third: I have developed a high level of ignorance to most commands that try to encourage me to any particular direction.
Anyway, my new cat "friend" Alfie, didn't like me that much. Actually I did'n have the guts to find out what he tought of me because my mouse part told me to keep away from that aggressivly sizzling Alfred Scissorhands.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The picture above was taken on a high speed camera to be able to express the dynamics of penetrating the surface and digging.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Wings, the things I love
Did you know that I am a frequent flyer on Finnair nowadays? You didn't, I know and me neither. I hope that I had my share of flying already. I didn't really get traumatic or anything, because flying is all about wings and I love wings. Some canine air mile collectors are used to travel even globally but they are often heavily on drugs while flying. I've heard that flying is possible even without an aircraft when narcotics are involved. This kid's paws stay firmly on the streets, I promise!
Tove Wolfskin

My new best friend (no, I didn't say the only one) is pictured above. She's a real wolfie as you can clearly see, although her legs are shor.. quick and and she doesn't have a tail (or it's invisible as she claims). I stayed in the background because my outfit is just terrible. It's better than that Issey Miyake for Fashion Victims but still too everyday clothing to my taste. Anyway, I wouldn't move a paw outside without a coat, 'cos it's fffrreezing!
Living in our new home is quite fascinating. I found out that I can even lie down on the floor and still remain warm. They seem to divide the air so that the cold stays outside and warm inside which is yet not invented in Great Barktain. If you read this on the mentioned island: Don't try to warm the air outside but rather keep the warm inside, ezy!
Monday, 2 March 2009
New notions
After more than a week in a totally new country, I have realised many different things. First of all, new kinds of people: those who use two sticks for fast walking and those who also use skis - how strange! They are everywhere. My new friends, Millie-the-Toller and Tove-the-Swedish-Vallhund, have told me that it's normal that humans behave so strangely here. You get used to it one day, they tell me.
I have also noticed, that dogs are not at all as friendly as in Victoria Park. They bark and use bad language when they pass by. I think it might have something to do with the fact that dogs have to be kept in lead here. Well, I have to admit that some of us take the law in our own paws and run free as dogs should.
It's a totally white Winter Wonderland here. A little too cold for me some days, but mostly I'm doing fine. I have a sporty winter coat to keep me warm and I also run a lot with Tove, the combination is good.
I have also noticed, that dogs are not at all as friendly as in Victoria Park. They bark and use bad language when they pass by. I think it might have something to do with the fact that dogs have to be kept in lead here. Well, I have to admit that some of us take the law in our own paws and run free as dogs should.
It's a totally white Winter Wonderland here. A little too cold for me some days, but mostly I'm doing fine. I have a sporty winter coat to keep me warm and I also run a lot with Tove, the combination is good.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Facing North
This blog should be renamed. I'm on my way up north, far north I'd say. I'll take a plane today and find a new place to stay, 'cos this town is too small for me. Bye staffies, bye-bye foxes, bye-bye-bye Victoria Park!
Monday, 16 February 2009
East End Girl
Dendrology propaganda leaflets

Please forgive my photographer, he's human after all. At least he got that reflection right on my solid silver collar (that costs more than 1000 pences which equals about 85 chicken wings at today's rate).
Thursday, 12 February 2009
You can't believe what just happened: with a little help of my brave hoo-man I finally got rid of that rotten tooth! I was brave, too - it wasn't easy to let that smelly buddy go. I guess people will appreciate my kisses more from now on. Times are changing.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Radiator station on vacation
My virtual life has now officially three (3) followers. That's a lot, actually that's hardly imaginable amount of things to me. And the looks of the stalkers! They all look same to me which is not so surprising when it comes to humans.
It's raining in London and I like it. The falling drinking stuff makes my park visits sportier and the radiator feels even warmer when coming back home. I'll open the Guardian and read what's happening in the world. Ok, I'm not a subscriber, so maybe I'll just take a regular London Paper or London Lite and pee on it.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Bark up the wrong tree

It's been really confusing since I learned reading. It all started when My Folks begun my Brain Training with a seemingly empty espresso can. When I play with that can, it provides small delicies such as apple peels, pieces of carrot or beans. Even if I am carnivorous and therefore enjoy eating dead mammals and poultry, I still respect vegetarian treats in some extent. And of course, as a Brit I love garbage. At home I have no access to the bin, but on the streets the people in my hoods keep the streets pretty well covered. Thanx. A lot!
Back to my thoughts. Where was I? Anyone?
Snow country for old men

Apparently the snow civil war has ended now and my northern humans can come out again, as they are pacifists when it comes to snow. We Brits are violent and and inhuman (especially we wolves), so we have no mercy for passers-by if we have a good snowball at hand. We remember our manners and polite everyday gestures again when the snow is replaced with salt, garbage and dog poo again. What did the vikings do to us when they invaded our rainy island?
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Hey all, meet Bouncie. Bouncie, meet all.

Back to Bouncie. This guy may look like a decent flat mate, but it's all a facade. I'm 100% sure he was the one to pee on those curtains that laid on the floor. Bad puppy, Bouncie! That cute terrorist also stole a slipper and put it in MY BED and staged me guilty! One day I'll pay him back. Maybe just chew his head off, that should do it. Those puppy eyes do not work on me, you two-faced fake!
Mental care needed
The wackos (yea, my folks) think I have some mental problems, so we went to see a mentist yesterday. They managed to make an appointment to the farthest mental clinic in London that I thought we were moving back to Devon when we travelled there.
Anyways, the doctor and the nurses were really generous, they gave me delicious treats all the time. My mental problems are obviously pretty visible, as the doctor could see them by opening my chewing pit. He declared me as an owner of two rotten (my favourite seasoning) teeth! He prescribed me antilopes in tablet form and told that they would be somewhat tasty. Bull poo! Not True! Antilopes are best eaten raw and fresh. My peoples promised to hunt them with me next time we visit Antafrica. Well, I have to eat those tablets for a week in order to get rid of the infection the brown teeth brought with them.
My android part was checked too and it seemed to work like a mac. Imagine if they had installed a micro chip with Windows Vista under my skin! Happily I'm a crossbreed, part dog, part computer and a twist of mouse. Canis lupus familiaris, not far from the wolf, huh?
Friday, 6 February 2009
Freedom of speech

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
So much to do, so little bladder!

Our northern guests got an extra day in London as the sky scratchers did not fly today. Actually they flew, but they could not land in London. Maybe someday my people purchase one of those as their underground trains stopped today. "Adverse weather conditions..." Where? Gimme some more!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Mouse thriller

I wish they could ban those ghetto blasters that drive ordinary rodents insane. One night this clubhopper took a toast overdose and therefore hoo-man got his chance to catch the poor wheat addict. The kid was sent to rehab right across the street where our nearest hospital is located.

I found my first own tennis ball today. It's really beautifully formed, kinda round, I'd say. It's ballistic abilities seem to be unlimited and the taste refers to GOOD! Not to mention the colour, which is not red. Do I see other colours? Hey Peoples! Do I see tennis colour?
Sunday, 25 January 2009

But seriously, this reflecting, cold stuff (see figure 1) drives me nuts (or traces of nuts). Could I get in pink? And heated? And delivered home?

If you just see this picture and you know it was taken on my first trip on tube, you might make a conclusion that I wasn't completely relaxed.
So totally UNTRUE! The paparazzis are like fleas, they are uninvited and hard to get rid of (so they say). At least from Holborn to Lancaster Gate I was, like, totally cool. My folks must have bought the longest limo-tube, as it stretches to the lenght of the whole platform. Eat that, fleabags in cars!
I took my humans to have a walk in Hyde Bark and it was a success. We had a great weather to watch and chase birds (did you know that each bird has a portion of two chicken wings with them all the time!) and scare joggers.
Mixed up

I feel extremely brave nowadays and I prove it by running far away from my people. I am still quite puppy-like cutie, so I'm sure passers-by appreciate my jumpy gestures and my muddy paw prints on their coats. My folks don't let me jump at all, so I can concentrate all my energy outdoors!
My raw food diet is great, I enjoy loads of chicken wings and other things that wolfs would order in restaurant. I still have some baby teeth left and the smell GOOD! My folks seem to comment the odour every time I open my mouth, so it must be a gorgeous experience to them. Funny animals they are.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Duty calls

Wow. I met two professionals in My Park. Two police dogs chatted with me for a while and the smaller would have gone a step further I guess, but the police human took him away. He said those guys may keep their thingies as they are braver that way. I dunno, I could use some instant bravery balls every now and then. Until then, I try to cope with the ball I found the other day.
The policeboys have a C-A-R of their own! Maybe someday I'll have one, too. I'm quite sure I had one in my foster home, but my new humans have only an underground train, which I may try tomorrow, they say. Enought talk, I'm hungry!
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