I' quite sure my flatmates (tee-cher and fee-der) are going through a heavy emotional journey. They seemed to think I am some kind of well-shaken mixture of whippet, staffie and other breeds. Well, in my blend there happens to be a meaty lump of staffie. Maybe 110% or more, numbers really aren't my cup of yoghurt. My smile is getting wider every day, but the brains keep up only modest growth. Luckily my memory is good, only so very short.
I feel extremely brave nowadays and I prove it by running far away from my people. I am still quite puppy-like cutie, so I'm sure passers-by appreciate my jumpy gestures and my muddy paw prints on their coats. My folks don't let me jump at all, so I can concentrate all my energy outdoors!
My raw food diet is great, I enjoy loads of chicken wings and other things that wolfs would order in restaurant. I still have some baby teeth left and the smell GOOD! My folks seem to comment the odour every time I open my mouth, so it must be a gorgeous experience to them. Funny animals they are.